Post by Jeanne Bonaparte on May 4, 2010 22:57:49 GMT
THE CANONS ! TAKEN ! RESERVED ! AVAILABLE ! If there is a number in bold beside the canon's name, it means they're in a subplot. Please check the subplot with the corresponding number.[/size][/center] TO RESERVE ! [/size][/center] Please put the full title and age, for example PRINCE BLAHBLAH, ---------------, 21 so it's clear exactly which canon you are reserving, and please post in code![*code][font=georgia][size=1][color=Black][color=steelblue for guys and hotpink or girls]RESERVATION TITLE, LAST NAME[/color] is reserved for [b]username here[/b] until [i]3 days from today.[/i][/color][/size][/font][/code*] THE RESERVATIONS ! [/size][/center] [/size][/li][/ul]
Post by Jeanne Bonaparte on May 5, 2010 0:10:43 GMT
ENGLAND ! KING SAXE-COBURG, ---------, 37. 05 !
[/b] QUEEN SAXE-COBURG, ---------, 35. 05 ! PRINCE SAXE-COBURG, ---------, 29. Brother to the King. PRINCESS SAXE-COBURG, ---------, 23. Sister to the King. PRINCESS SAXE-COBURG, ---------, 19.[/s] 03 !Daughter of the King & Queen. PRINCE SAXE-COBURG, ---------, 18. Son of the King & Queen. PRINCE SAXE-COBURG, ---------, 17. Son of the King & Queen. PRINCESS SAXE-COBURG, ---------, 16. 05 !Daughter of the King & Queen. SERVANT WILLIAMS, ---------, 21. SERVANT HAILWOOD, ---------, 18. 05 ! SERVANT MALLINSON, ---------, 23. [/size][/blockquote] FRANCE ! KING BONAPARTE, ---------, 43.
PRINCESS BONAPARTE, ---------, 30. Sister to the King.
PRINCE BONAPARTE, ---------,, 25 .
[/s] 03 !Son of the King. PRINCE BONAPARTE, ---------,, 22 .[/i] 03 !Son of the King. PRINCESS BONAPARTE, Jeanne, 19. 04 !Daughter of the King. LADY-IN-WAITING LEFEVRE, ---------, 26. SERVANT D' EVEROUX, ---------, 23. SERVANT POISSON, ---------, 15. [/size][/blockquote] GERMANY ! KING KOENIG, ---------, 24. 02 !
QUEEN KOENIG, ---------, 21.
PRINCE KOENIG, ---------, 22. Brother to the King.
PRINCESS KOENIG, ---------, 17. 02 ! Sister to the King.
LADY VON DAECHER, ---------, 23. Sister to the Queen.
LORD JAEGER, ---------, 27. 02 ! Advisor to the King.
SERVANT KIRSCH, ---------, 23.
SERVANT KLEIN, ---------, 21. SERVANT BOEHM, ---------, 19.
SPAIN ! KING DELGADO, ---------, 48. 05 !
QUEEN DELGADO, ---------, 40. 05 !
PRINCE DELGADO, ---------, 35. Brother to the King.
PRINCE DELGADO, ---------, 30. Brother to the King.
PRINCESS CASTRO, ---------, 33. Sister to the Queen.
LADY VELASQUEZ, ---------, 21. The King's Mistress.
PRINCESS DELGADO, ---------, 24. Daughter of the King & Queen.
PRINCESS DELGADO, ---------, 22.
[/s] Daughter of the King & Queen. PRINCE DELGADO, ---------, 20. Son of the King & Queen. PRINCESS DELGADO, ---------, 19. Daughter of the King & Queen. PRINCE DELGADO, ---------, 17. 05 !Son of the King & Queen. SERVANT MARTINEZ, ---------, 28. SERVANT MENDOZA, ---------, 25. SERVANT GARCIA, ---------, 20. [/size][/blockquote] ITALY ! QUEEN DI GIACOPELLI, ---------, 40.
PRINCE DE GIACOPELLI, ---------, 35. Brother to the Queen.
PRINCESS DE GIACOPELLI, ---------, 27. Sister to the Queen.
LORD LAUDICINO, ---------, 33. 06 ! Brother to the Deceased King.
LADY LAUDICINO, ---------, 26. Sister to the Deceased King
PRINCE DI GIACOPELLI, ---------, 21. 02 ! Son of the Queen.
PRINCESS DI GIACOPELLI, ---------, 17. Daughter of the Queen.
SERVANT AGOSTINO, ---------, 23.
SERVANT PIRELLI, ---------, 20.
SERVANT LA ROSA-SANTA, ---------, 18. 02 !
AUSTRIA ! KING VON HAIDER, ---------, 42.
QUEEN VON HAIDER, ----------- 38.
PRINCE VON HAIDER, ---------, 35. Brother to the Queen.
LADY VRANITZKY, ---------, 26. 06 ! Sister to the Queen.
PRINCE VON HAIDER, ---------, 20. Identical twin.* Son of the King & Queen.
PRINCE VON HAIDER, ---------, 20. Identical twin.* Son of the King & Queen.
PRINCE VON HAIDER, ---------, 19. Son of the King & Queen.
PRINCE VON HAIDER, ---------, 16. Son of the King & Queen.
SERVANT FRITZEL, ---------, 25. 06 !
SERVANT STROBL, ---------, 21.
SERVANT WIESNER, ---------, 19.
PRINCESS CONSTANTINIDES, ---------, 40. Sister to the King.
[/s] 04 !Son of the King & Queen. PRINCE CONSTANTINIDES, ---------, 23. Son of the King & Queen. PRINCE CONSTANTINIDES, ---------, 22. Son of the King & Queen. PRINCESS CONSTANTINIDES, ---------, 19.[/i] Daughter of the King & Queen. PRINCE CONSTANTINIDES, ---------, 18. Son of the King & Queen. PRINCESS CONSTANTINIDES, ---------, 16.[/i] Daughter of the King & Queen. LADY MARINOS, ---------, 24. Cousin to the King. LADY-IN-WAITING STAVROS, ---------, 23. SERVANT PAPADOPOULOU, ---------, 25. SERVANT MARINOS, ---------, 23. SERVANT ANGELIS, ---------, 16. [/size][/blockquote] RUSSIA ! KING ROMANOV, Alesandr, 49. 01 !
QUEEN ROMANOV, Marie of Hesse, 21. 01 ! Second wife of the King.
PRINCESS ROMANOV, ---------, 40. Sister to the King.
PRINCESS ROMANOV, ---------, 22. 01 ! Daughter of the King, Step-daughter of the Queen.
PRINCESS ROMANOV, ---------, 19. Daughter of the King, Step-daughter of the Queen.
PRINCESS ROMANOV, ---------, 17.
[/s] 05 !Daughter of the King, Step-daughter of the Queen. PRINCE ROMANOV, ---------, 15. Son of the King, Step-son of the Queen. LADY-IN-WAITING BARANOVA, ---------, 30. LADY-IN-WAITING GODINA, ---------, 26. SERVANT LEVITSKY, ---------, 28. 01 !SERVANT KLOSSOVSKY, ---------, 25. SERVANT SILVASHKO, ---------, 16.[/s] SERVANT ANGELIS, ---------, 16. [/size][/blockquote]
Post by juliette on May 22, 2010 21:59:51 GMT
[font=georgia][size=1][color=Black][color=hotpink]PRINCESS DI GIACOPELLI[/color] is reserved for [b]juliette[/b] until [i]may 25th.[/i][/color][/size][/font] Please State The Age of The Princess You Are Reserving.
Post by Theodore Bonaparte on Jun 2, 2010 1:51:13 GMT
[font=georgia][size=1][color=Black][color=steelblue]PRINCE BONAPARTE, ---------,, 22 . Son of the King.[/color] is reserved for [b]sebi[/b] until [i]3 days from today.[/i][/color][/size][/font]